Gusto Integration



UX Design, User Research, Product Management


2 months




How might we help business owners better plan for payroll?

Motion graphics video by James Fookes

About the Project

The average small business owner at Novo balances 7+ platforms to run their business

This is one of the reasons why integrations are so important to small business owners. Business owners want to use tools that work well with the rest of their stack.

Business owners often encounter cash crunches so they need to know they can always meet payroll

When businesses hire employees, they have people depending on them. Payroll accounts for one of the largest expenses for businesses, so owners want the confidence to foresee payroll expenses to plan accordingly.

So the team saw an opportunity to provide deeper functionality with the most popular payroll service on our platform

Through iterative ideation, validation, and testing spanning across low-fidelity to high-fidelity designs, I helped the team narrow in on a direction.

The final design strategy:

1) The ability for customers to easily preview their upcoming payroll debit amount and date

2) Surfacing a notice to customers when their balance is at risk of being insufficient for payroll

3) Providing a shortcut for customers to add funds

4) Help new Gusto users automatically load all their information from Novo via an express signup

and more…


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